A lot has happened since my last blog entry. I had so many things to add to the cabin, and we were looking at expanding into a 3 bedroom. All was going well, and things were on track... until... about 2 1/2 weeks ago.
Our friend Tim sent us a message telling us of flooding that was to begin the next week of the Missouri River. From what he knew, this may involve our cabin and property... so we began checking into things.
And the nightmare began. As the days progressed we found out this was going to be far worse then they had first anticipated. Our home was basically going to be a casualty of their man made flood. All in all, 1000 homes were to be lost, and over 4000 people here are now are without their homes. All of this was caused by having to release the waters at Garrison Dam north of us. It was expected that this would last 2-3 weeks, then 2-3 months, and currently we're looking at September/October before we 'may' be able to see and estimate the damage. The time frame puts us into the first freeze and snow here, which means we wouldn't be able to fix any damage before hard winter sets in. Also, their saying this could happen again next year. Our cabin is now landlocked by a dike on our street. We have no access other then to hike onto property in muck boots. We're all staying in a 33' rv... thank goodness to family for helping with that arrangement. Many have no place to be.
All of this happening made us really take count of the blessings in our lives. Also, we came to a decision to relocate to Northern California. So many reasons to go there, and only a few to stay here. But my health and a good job offer has led us to the crossroads and we will be moving there very soon. I know Marc will miss his job because they've treated him so well, and I know we will miss Ken, Katie and kids, as well as Brittany and Kyle very much. For now, Brittany is staying with Kyle. They may or may not join us there. We hope they do.
We do a ton of thanks to our close friends and family for working so hard to try and help us save our home, and belongings before this struck.
We believe this is a good choice for us, and we look forward to being in a warmer climate. We are returning to ND in October for Katie and Ken's wedding... and getting our furnishings and household items then.
Wish us tons of luck!!! Our life is truly an adventure, and the script changes as life does. We just have to adapt, and roll with the changes.